Happy Endings

Most people at some point wish, or in some cases have actually visualised some aspect of their life as if it was a movie script. Usually this will follow the standard hollywood script. The protagonist will find themselves in a new situation which they have to adjust to. There will be a number of subplots along the way to help the narrative but essentially, the protagonist struggles may linger for awhile before things start to go right. This will gain momentum before ‘miraculously’ for reasons that are not understood at the time everything goes wrong.


Often in ‘reality’, this will be the cruel end to such a promising script but in Hollywood we all know that the hero will have a defining soul searching moment before they rise to the occasion and seize the day. Happily ever after. Roll credits.


Truth be told, we actually have the option for a Hollywood ending; it’s just that for the majority of us, it won’t be achieved in two hours and we won’t get to bone Chris Hemsworth or Margot Robbie along the way. This is because Hollywood endings only exist if we understand our reality or in a broader sense; ‘What is normal (to us)?’ After all, no one can maintain an abnormal level of excellence for a sustained period. Those that are perceived to be able to do it, only do so once they’ve understood their normal and then elevated it to that level.

To explain this further, I’ll use another analogy. There’s a poor taste joke that was doing the rounds on social media which goes a little something like this:


‘If my girl got pregnant I’d leave her for the benefit of the kid. It’s a known fact that single mothers breed athletes. See you on draft day.’

As politically incorrect as this ‘joke’ is, this ‘reality’ is actually Disney 101. In order to create a fast paced compelling story, in every Disney movie the hero experiences some unfortunate circumstances (often at a young age) in order to fast track their development and release them of their innocence. The hero then has to sink or swim and use their personal pain as motivation to reach the top.


Thus, if you’re still following what I’m saying, the thing Lebron and Queen Elsa have in common is that long ago they understood and embraced their normal. They took these events from their past which shed them of their innocence and just accepted it. Using this pain/motivation (whatever you want to call it), they then began to move their normal to the level which people now like to call the abnormal.


For the rest of us, the moment we begin to do this, is the moment we also start achieving our Hollywood ending. Seems simple enough and there’s no reason anyone can’t do it.


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